· 如果撞到了合法停车的车辆,撞车司机全责;
· 如果撞到了非法停车的车辆,停车司机全责;
· 在停车场,通常是在车道上行驶的司机拥有更多路权,所以当发生事故时,通常是从停车位出来的车辆承担主要责任;
· 即使在没有停牌的情况下,从停车位出来的车辆在进入车道之前也需要按停牌刹车,并让车道上的车辆先行;
· 从停车位倒出,撞上迎面驶来的车辆时,从停车位中移出的车辆很可能要承担主要责任(因为在交通车道上的车辆拥有更多路权,在这
· 若两个司机同时从停车位倒出时相撞,双方均需承担责任;
· 如果停车时撞到打开车门的停车车辆,那么打开门的车辆负全责;
· 如果你打开车门撞倒另一辆车,那么你将要负全责;
· 如果由于一个或多个司机忽略了该区域的交通标志而导致事故,则未能遵守的司机均需承担责任;
· 如果司机鲁莽驾驶并撞倒另一辆汽车或行人,撞车司机全责;
· 如果你的车辆在停车场被撞后对方逃逸,则被当做普通肇事逃逸事故(hit-and-run),如果有人员受伤或者车身损失达$2000刀,应立
· 如果你的保险公司发现判断是谁的责任,那么很可能双方五五分责,这意味着如果你提出索赔,保费可能会受到影响。
Here are some of the 'rules of the road' as they apply to parking lots.
You are always at fault if you hit a parked car, if it is parked legally.
If an illegally parked car is hit by another car, the owner of the illegally parked car is generally at fault
Drivers on a main lane that enters or exits into the lot have the right of way over drivers pulling out of parking spots or entering from a feeder lane.
Even if there is no stop sign where you enter a main lane from a feeder lane, you are expected to stop or at least, yield to traffic,
If you back into a feeder lane or main lane and another car hits you, then you will likely be held responsible for the accident.
If two drivers back into one another while pulling out of a parking spot they may both be at fault If you back into an opened door of a parked car, the owner of the parked car is at fault.
If you open your door and hit another car, then you are at fault for the damage.
If a car accident results because one or more drivers ignored a traffic sign in the lot, then the driver(s) who failed to obey the sign is at fault.
If someone drives recklessly and hits another car or a pedestrian, then they can be held liable under Ontario traffic laws.
If you or your vehicle was hit by someone who left the scene of the accident, this situation will be treated like any other hit-and-run accident. You need to immediately inform your insurer of the accident if someone was injured or if you wish to file a claim for property damage, and the police must also be informed if there was combined damage over $2000 or any injuries.
If your insurer finds it difficult to ascertain who was at fault in a parking lot accident, they will likely assign 50 per cent blame to both drivers, which means that your insurance may be affected if you make a claim.